Yo-Yo Test Modifications
In addition to the six official yo-yo test versions as created by Jens Bangsbo, there are quite a few adaptations of the yo-yo test that have made changes to the original protocols for a specific purpose. For all these examples, the timings are the same as one of the yo-yo test versions. The modifications include changing the distance run, the time of the test, the mode of movement, and the layout of the course.
- ARIET (Assistant Referee Intermittent Endurance Test): a modified Yo-Yo IE2 test including shuttles of sideways running.
- Dynamic Yo-Yo Test: a variation designed specifically for football referees.
- Submaximal Yo-Yo Tests: a submaximal version of the yo-yo test, used as a non-exhaustive alternative to monitor the fitness of athletes, especially during the competitive season or during the rehabilitation of an injured player.
- Wheelchair Yo-Yo: the test has been adapted for wheelchair basketball players, reducing the distance to 10m.
- Goal Keeper Yo-Yo: a goalkeeper-specific adaptation of the YYIR1 requiring 4x4m side-shuffles, backwards run, forwards run.
- Rugby Prone Yo-Yo Test: where the players lay down before each 40m shuttle, replicating a game-specific action.
- Cricket Yo-Yo Test: where the players run each 40m shuttle while wearing pads and carrying a bat, replicating a game specific action.
- Blind Yo-Yo Test: adaptation to the protocol for testing vision-imparied athletes.
- Children's Test (YYIR1C): a reduced distance version of the yo-yo test for younger participants.
- Water Polo Intermittent Shuttle Test (WIST): swimming version of the YYIR1 with 7.5m shuttles in the pool.
Another Mod
Krešimir Šoš (Master of Kinesiology), conditioning coach for football club Dinamo Zagreb, created a variation of Yo-Yo test which he finds is very good for making distinction between aerobic and anaerobic work (point of deflection is more clear). Players change speed quicker and that makes anaerobic point of deflection much easier to see on a graph. The modification is based on the YYIR1 test, where the distance is a fixed variable, and time is decreasing. The players start at 8 km/hr and run 4 intervals (1 interval is consisted of 2x20m + pause 5 sec, as in the yo-yo endurance test). After every 4 intervals the test speeds increases by 1 km/hr.
More Resources
- About the six original variations of the yo-yo fitness test
- How to determine which version of the yo-yo test you did
- Alternatives to the Yo-Yo Test
- Comparing the beep and yo-yo tests
- List of information pages
- Buying the Yo-Yo Test
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