Information about the Yo-Yo Test
Variations - There are six different versions of the yo-yo fitness test, plus some alternatives and modifications.
History of the Yo-Yo Test - The yo-yo test, first proposed in the 1990s, has become one of the world's most commonly used team sport fitness assessment.
Yo-Yo Test References - A selection of some of the research papers about the yo-yo tests.
Research to Improve Yo-Yo Test Performance - Scientific research about methods to improve performance in the Yo-Yo Test.
About Jens Bangsbo - About the prominent football scientist who developed the yo-yo series of tests.
About This Website - Why a comprehensive guide to the yo-yo test.
More Resources
- List of Yo-Yo Test Resources
- Guide to Training for the Yo-Yo Test
- Buying the Yo-Yo Test
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