The Yo-Yo Endurance Test Level 2

The Yo-Yo Endurance Test Level 2 is one of six official versions of the yo-yo test. You might find it also referred to as theYYE2 or YYET2. There is also a level one Yo-Yo Endurance Test - the level 1 test is designed for recreational level athletes, while the level 2 test was designed for highly trained athletes.

You can read the general procedure for conducting the yo-yo test, below are details specific to this version.

Equipment Required: flat non-slip surface, marking cones, measuring tape, cd or mp3 player with good speakers, audio file or cd, recording sheets. See more details about the required Yo-Yo Test Equipment.

Course layout: Cones or tape is used to mark out two parallel lines, 20 meters apart, as shown in the diagram.

the yo-yo endurance test layout

Preparations: Make sure the participants are adequately prepared: well-rested, hydrated and fueled, and familiar with the test procedure and motivated to perform maximally. (see preparing for the yo-yo test for more details). Give clear and standardized instructions about the test and what is expected of them (see an example instruction), including the importance of keeping in time to the recording and completing the full 20m run.

Starting the Test: All participants should line up along the starting line. The athletes start with a foot behind one line (cone A), and begin running when instructed by the audio recording. The athlete turns when signaled by the recorded audio beep (at cone B), and returns to the starting point.

During the test: The participant continues shuttling back and forth between the two lines 20 meters apart, in time to the audio cues. The athlete must not start running early, must run the complete distance, and reach each line before or in time with the recording. At regular intervals, the time between audio signals will reduce, and consequently the required running speed will increase. The starting speed for the Level 2 Endurance Test is 11.5km/hr, and increases by 0.5km/hr approximately every minute. For more details see the table of speeds and distances for the YYE2.

Finishing the test: The participants must continue for as long as they can. Some of the athletes will choose to stop when they have reached their physical limit. For others, you will need to give a warning as they drop behind the required pace or make one of the errors listed below. On the second infraction you pull them out of the test.

You give a warning when the participant ...

Scoring: the participant's score is the highest level successfully completed. Use this YYE2 scoring sheet to keep track of athlete scores. See more about scoring.

Interpretation: There are currently no norms or rating tables for the Bangsbo YYE2 test, or a conversion from a score to VO2max value.

the yo-yo endurance test layout

List of Resources for the YYE2


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